Add flying birds with sound to your map
included: map-files, script, custom textures and sounds |
Kalti |
Size: 383 kB |
A moving bridge, opens by a trigger_use,
waits a bit and closes again. the script is far from being perfect but
it's working...no sounds yet
included: map (inside the pk3) and script |
Wacko |
Size: 69 kB |
Underwater bubbles and drips from the
ceiling. But the drips don't splash on the surface of the water. The
bubbles do make being underwater seem more real.
included: models, demo map and script |
tltrude |
Size: 34 kB |
a surveillance camera: watch areas anywhere in ur map
on a screen
included: map and script |
Wacko |
Size: 70 kB |
Stargate with teleporter and rotating
included: map, script, textures |
Shifty |
Size: 2.1 MB |
Teleporter for multiplayer maps.
Different to normal teleporters, this one is telefragging proof, by clip
brushes stopping followers until the teleported player is in a safe
place. Works in both directions.
NEW UPDATE (30/03/04): there was the slight possibility to be locked
between the clips...
included: bsp, map, script |
Wacko |
Size: 30 kB |
lockable doors demo
included: map-files, script and bsp |
Size: 33 kB |
Fan, animated without script
included: map |
Wacko |
Size: 3 kB |
texture + shader for plain glass in white
and in green (for the edges) |
Wacko |
Size: 5 kB |
grass, waving in the wind. probably not
good for huge amounts of it, but looking quite nice.
included: map, texture and shader |
Wacko |
Size: 7 kB |
A "health booth" where u can fill up ur health
included: map, script and texture |
Wacko |
Size: 78 kB |
map darkness and script in switchable lighting
included: map-files, script and bsp |
Size: 126 kB |
create a switch in your map that allows players to choose and switch to the next map
included: map-files, script and bsp |
Size: 9 kB |
A moving belt realized with animated
included: map (in pk3), texture and
shader |
Wacko |
Size: 20 kB |
A simple map containing a number of plants and grasses
that move, and a modified canal_sludge water shader/texture.
included: map (in pk3), textures and
shader |
grb |
Size: 1,7 MB |
The Pegasus bridge, fully moving and with sounds
included: map (inside the pk3), soundfiles and script |
At0mic |
Size: 632 kB |
Three rings rotating one in another.
Rotation speed and sound changes. Could become a stargate or I dunno...
included: map (in pk3), textures and
script |
Wacko |
Size: 298 kB |
Demonstration map about how to make sitting AI's
for SinglePlayer maps
included: map-file,
scripting |
Axion |
Size: 95 kB |
spectator camera.pk3
Little demo of a spectator camera for multi-player
included: map-files, script, textures and bsp |
Size: 3.16 MB |
springboard which needs to be activated by a initial jump
included: map, script |
Wacko |
Size: 13 kB |
Dragged out of DORF2, here are two little gadgets:
Water pouring out of a tube and steam from a gully
included: map, textures, steam tik... |
Wacko |
Size: 40 kB |
UPDATED! A torch with a flickering flame, flickering light and sound
included: map, script, textures and shader for
several flames to get a different flicker for each torch. Wacko also demonstrates what NOT to do as the scripted light shines through the backside of walls |
Wacko |
Size: 113 kB |
A small building with a lockable door and
a trapdoor floor inside. U can lock intruders, turn the lever and watch
them fall into the pit
included: map, script |
Axion |
Size: 46 kB |
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